I am so very excited to say that the book is available for pre-orders as of today.
There’s a press release here. And a PDF version of the same is here.
It’s listed on the Packt Publishing web site and on Amazon.com. I am a big fan of supporting smaller companies, so please consider buying the book from the publisher. You can buy an electronic version or a paper copy, with both being released on January 7. The reatail prices are $39.99 for an electronic copy and $49.99 for the paperback book.
Alternatively, you could sign up for Packt’s subscription service which gets you access to all of the books they offer, including this one, in electronic format, which is an insanely good value for anyone with multiple areas of interest.
Lastly, as a limited-time, special offer, I will be ordering a few paper copies for myself as well. Please contact me if you’d like to pre-order the book for a 15% discount + shipping. I’ll keep that option available throughout the month of November 2021 only.
Thanks to Tomáš Malík from Pexels for the photo.